2 Incredible New Knives: Ones Overbuilt and Ones a Sleek EDC

2 Incredible New Knives: Ones Overbuilt and Ones a Sleek EDC

Published: 2 years ago

2 Incredible New Knives: Ones Overbuilt and Ones a Sleek EDC. These are two completely different styles of knives but they both put a smile on my face. Of course I love the Slicey edc knives the most but the massive overbuilt ones have a place in my heart. This time the overbuilt one is one that I can actually carry if I want to. The edc knife caught my eye when it was teased on Instagram and I knew I had to get it. Which one do you like better? Do you enjoy the big overbuilt knives ?


Amazon: Most Reccomended Budget Knives by Stassa23 https://a.co/h53SuwZ

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❎Tools For Gents https://toolsforgents.com/?tfg=7213

❎Monterey Bay Knives- Mini Old Guard (Wharncliffe) https://www.montereybayknives.com/product-page/mini-old-guard-wharncliffe

❎Monterey Bay Knives- Old Guard Wharncliffe https://www.montereybayknives.com/product-page/old-guard-wharncliffe