4 New Kizer Knives that are Worth Checking Out

4 New Kizer Knives that are Worth Checking Out

Published: 2 years ago

4 New Kizer Knives that are Worth Checking Out. Kizer is back to banging out several new models. We have two brand new designs along with two different versions of existing models. It looks like the button lock craze is still going on and I don't see it letting up anytime soon. I would love to see more axis lock knives and some compression lock knives would be awesome. What do you think about using some other locking mechanisms? Do you like any of these new ones ?


Amazon: Most Reccomended Budget Knives by Stassa23 https://a.co/h53SuwZ

My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY


0:13 Kizer- XL Begleiter (Green Linen Micarta) https://amzn.to/3I8Jwlj

2:15 Kizer- Guru (Micarta) https://amzn.to/3Xhas6P

5:45 Kizer- Mad Tanto https://amzn.to/3ln8zID

8:40 Kizer- Spot https://amzn.to/3DRKFv6