WOW! EVOLVED EDC REV BUTTON LOCK Revealed - Don't Miss This!

Published: 2 years ago
WOW! EVOLVED EDC REV BUTTON LOCK Revealed - Don't Miss This! This is the second knife design from Evolved EDC and both have been different in a good way. This new Rev prototype is a little more my style and man I wish he would just take my money now! I think this will be a very popular design for them and I can't wait to hear what you guys think. Since it's very early in the prototype phase I am sure they will have some updates before the final production of this project. This is also Evolved EDC's first button lock design as well as the first one that the OEM Bestech has done as well so it will be interesting to see how they do. I am more than sure Bestech will perfect the button lock before the design is finalized. Let me know if you plan getting in on the preorder once it becomes available? I would also love to hear any of your feedback on the design as well.
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❎Evolved EDC
Amazon: Most Reccomended Budget Knives by Stassa23
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❎Evolved EDC