Tuya Knife Envy 4 : My Favorite Blade Shape Yet

Tuya Knife Envy 4 : My Favorite Blade Shape Yet

Published: 2 years ago

Tuya Knife Envy 4 : My Favorite Blade Shape Yet. The Envy series is designed by Dave Warren. I personally own the Envy 1 and now the Envy 4 and both are great designs. The materials used on this one are very nice and priced well. This knife always seems to grab people's attention when I take it out. If you like the design I would suggest getting it because they only make a limited amount then they are gone. Do you own any of the Tuya Envy's? What do you think about them?


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❎Tuya Knife- Envy 4 https://www.bladehq.com/?search=Tuya%20envy%20v4