Eikonic Knives Kasador a Ji Knives Design : I'm Impressed

Eikonic Knives Kasador a Ji Knives Design : I'm Impressed

Published: 2 years ago

Eikonic Knives Kasador a Ji Knives Design : I'm Impressed. We have a new knife company collaborating with some some of the best knife makers in the industry. This one is from the very popular Ji knives and before now it's was super hard to get one of his designs and if you found one it's going to cost you a lot. Now we will have designs more accessible and much cheaper. Today we take a deep dive into the KASADOR and we put it through it's paces to see how it performs. I would love to hear your thoughts on this new company and their knives. Do you own any Eikonic Knives if so what do think?


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❎Eikonic Knives- Kasador https://www.bladehq.com/?search=Eikonic%20kasador