Divo Knives Buzz : They Knocked it Out the Park Once Again

Published: 2 years ago
Divo Knives Buzz : They Knocked it Out the Park Once Again. This is the third knife from Divo Knives and so far they have all been awesome. This is a more premium offering from Divo and the OEM is Bestech Knives which does great OEM work for some of the popular companies. Since both Kevin "Left edc" and Colin "CM Knife Designs" are both knife enthusiasts they always think of everything needed for their designs to be as close to perfect as possible. If you missed out on the preorder of the Buzz you still have a chance to get one after the preorders are filled. I would love to hear your thoughts on the Buzz and did you get in on the preorder?
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❎Divo Knives https://divoknives.com/
My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎Divo Knives https://divoknives.com/