Kansept Knives Arcus : Ostap Hel Design Full Review

Published: 1 year ago
Kansept Knives Arcus : Ostap Hel Design Full Review. Ostap Hel has put out a lot of awesome designs over the years. I love the slim and sleek nature of this knife and it's really what drew me in. It's a perfect size and weight for everyday carry and for me it was close to being great. We take a deep dive into the knife to see what is good and what's not so great. We also do our normal real world testing to see how it feels in hand and how well the blade performs. What are your thoughts on this new design from Ostap Hell? Do you plan on picking one up?
❎Kansept- Arcus https://shrsl.com/40ck2
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
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❎Kansept- Arcus https://shrsl.com/40ck2
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
❎Follow Me On Instagram @stassa23knifetherapy