EDC Pocket Check on Sunday Funday!

Published: 1 year ago
EDC Pocket Check on Sunday Funday! This is my edc pocket dump for the day. We take a look at my edc pouch for the day , my multitool, knife, pen and light. What are you carrying today.
❎Uinta knives https://www.uintaknifecompany.com/shop
❎ALPAKA Gear - Zip Pouch Pro https://alpakagear.com/products/zip-pouch-pro
❎Big Idea Design- Ti Bolt Action Pen https://amzn.to/3WDr0XY
❎Leatherman- Micra https://amzn.to/3C2jLPQ
❎Olight- I3T EOS https://amzn.to/3oDEIxG
❎Uinta knives https://www.uintaknifecompany.com/shop
❎ALPAKA Gear - Zip Pouch Pro https://alpakagear.com/products/zip-pouch-pro
❎Big Idea Design- Ti Bolt Action Pen https://amzn.to/3WDr0XY
❎Leatherman- Micra https://amzn.to/3C2jLPQ
❎Olight- I3T EOS https://amzn.to/3oDEIxG