2 Incredible New EDC Fixed Blade that you Will Want to See!

Published: 1 year ago
2 Incredible New EDC Fixed Blade that you Will Want to See! You may have see one of these on my channel before however the new one has some updates that I'm really happy about. These are both super easy fixed blades to conceal or just clip to the pocket. When it comes to carrying a fixed blade for everyday carry purposes I like them to be small easy to carry and lightweight and they definitely fit the bill. I want to hear your thoughts on these two new pocket fixed blades?
❎Combat Beads/Griffin Co- Scout 2.5 (COMING SOON) https://www.combatbeads.com/product-page/scout-2-5
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎Vosteed Cutlery https://shrsl.com/410vs
❎Blade HQ: https://shrsl.com/410vy
❎GP Knives: https://shrsl.com/410w0
❎Artisan Cutlery: https://shrsl.com/410w2
❎*****USE CODE: STASSA23 (For 23% Off)*****
Guard Dog Inserts
❎Olight Store: https://www.olightstore.com/s/4AMNP4
❎10%OFF coupon code( invalid on items on sale): Stassa23❎
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
❎Follow Me On Instagram @stassa23knifetherapy
❎Combat Beads/Griffin Co- Scout 2.5 (COMING SOON) https://www.combatbeads.com/product-page/scout-2-5
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎Vosteed Cutlery https://shrsl.com/410vs
❎Blade HQ: https://shrsl.com/410vy
❎GP Knives: https://shrsl.com/410w0
❎Artisan Cutlery: https://shrsl.com/410w2
❎*****USE CODE: STASSA23 (For 23% Off)*****
Guard Dog Inserts
❎Olight Store: https://www.olightstore.com/s/4AMNP4
❎10%OFF coupon code( invalid on items on sale): Stassa23❎
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
❎Follow Me On Instagram @stassa23knifetherapy