Unbelievable Price Tag for This Tactical EDC Knife!

Published: 1 year ago
This Tactical Knife Cost $1000! I had to check this one out at my local shop because it is so small and so expensive so I wanted to see how it felt in hand. Microtech knives does some way more expensive knives than this little guy however this was the only one my local shop had in stock and you would be surprised how many of the custom Microtech's they sell. It is definitely very well made but not a knife I would ever buy because it would be one expensive letter opener lol.
❎Jim's Firearms in Baton Rouge, La -293-5467 Ask for Brian or Ross and they will take care of you tell them I sent you
❎Jim's Firearms in Baton Rouge, La -293-5467 Ask for Brian or Ross and they will take care of you tell them I sent you