7 New Knives and One Surprised me The Most at Blade Show 2023

Published: 1 year ago
7 New Knives and One Surprised me The Most at Blade Show 2023. Kizer is coming in hot once again with several new edc knives and a cool looking fixed blade. While visiting their booth a Blade Show Atlanta 2023 one of them stud out among the rest. Find out which knife it was and I want to hear what you think of it. Which one of these edc knives to you want a knife review on first?
❎Kizer- Feist 4v https://amzn.to/3X30FmE
0:49 Kizer- Chilie Pepper https://amzn.to/3qAJnks
1:03 Kizer- XL Feist https://amzn.to/45Y1IrR
1:18 Kizer- In Yan https://amzn.to/3qAJVa0
❎Kizer Knives (Blade HQ)https://shrsl.com/43sny
2:10 Kizer- Escort (Micarta/154cm) https://shrsl.com/43uve
3:09 Kizer- Kobold 2.0 (4v) https://amzn.to/3qD9asn
4:20 Kizer- Ti’an https://amzn.to/43Uavct
6:36 Kizer- Coniferous https://amzn.to/42w4Bx3
8:50 Kizer- Sou ‘wes’https://amzn.to/3J4uE7R
11:03 Kizer- Varatas https://amzn.to/42zMt5A
❎Kizer- Feist 4v https://amzn.to/3X30FmE
0:49 Kizer- Chilie Pepper https://amzn.to/3qAJnks
1:03 Kizer- XL Feist https://amzn.to/45Y1IrR
1:18 Kizer- In Yan https://amzn.to/3qAJVa0
❎Kizer Knives (Blade HQ)https://shrsl.com/43sny
2:10 Kizer- Escort (Micarta/154cm) https://shrsl.com/43uve
3:09 Kizer- Kobold 2.0 (4v) https://amzn.to/3qD9asn
4:20 Kizer- Ti’an https://amzn.to/43Uavct
6:36 Kizer- Coniferous https://amzn.to/42w4Bx3
8:50 Kizer- Sou ‘wes’https://amzn.to/3J4uE7R
11:03 Kizer- Varatas https://amzn.to/42zMt5A