I Love This Little EDC Pocket Knife!

Published: 1 year ago
I Love This Little EDC Pocket Knife! I have had this one for a little while now and I really enjoy carrying it. It’s a great size for edc and I love the design. I also love it’s bigger brother as well. What do you think about it? Do you own any of their knives?
❎Vosteed Knives https://shrsl.com/410vs
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎Blade HQ: https://shrsl.com/410vy
❎GP Knives: https://shrsl.com/410w0
❎Artisan Cutlery: https://shrsl.com/410w2
❎*****USE CODE: STASSA23 (For 23% Off)*****
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❎Olight Store: https://www.olightstore.com/s/4AMNP4
❎10%OFF coupon code( invalid on items on sale): Stassa23❎
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
❎Follow Me On Instagram @stassa23knifetherapy
❎Vosteed Knives https://shrsl.com/410vs
~My Most Reccomended Budget Knives https://a.co/h53SuwZ
~My Recommended Knife Maintenance Tools https://a.co/ahnyLIY
❎Blade HQ: https://shrsl.com/410vy
❎GP Knives: https://shrsl.com/410w0
❎Artisan Cutlery: https://shrsl.com/410w2
❎*****USE CODE: STASSA23 (For 23% Off)*****
Guard Dog Inserts
❎Olight Store: https://www.olightstore.com/s/4AMNP4
❎10%OFF coupon code( invalid on items on sale): Stassa23❎
❎My Email: 23matassa@gmail.com
❎Follow Me On Instagram @stassa23knifetherapy