Titanium Liner Lock Knives are The Best!?

Published: 1 year ago
Titanium Liner Lock Knives are The Best!? When it comes to knife locks you have two materials that are usually used, Titanium and Stainless Steel. We will discuss the pros and cons of both titanium and stainless knife locks. Do you have a preference on which one is used for your knives? Which folding knife lock do you think is the strongest?
❎Civivi- Sokoke https://shrsl.com/44rk0
❎Emerson- Mini Commander https://emersonknives.com/shop/knives/every-day-carry/commander-the-knives/mini-commander-sf/
❎Civivi- Sokoke https://shrsl.com/44rk0
❎Emerson- Mini Commander https://emersonknives.com/shop/knives/every-day-carry/commander-the-knives/mini-commander-sf/