3 Incredible EDC Fixed Blades!

3 Incredible EDC Fixed Blades!

Published: 1 year ago

3 Incredible EDC Fixed Blades! I have started carrying these smaller fixed blades quite often because I’ve noticed how useful they can be. There plenty of awesome pocket fixed blades and these are 3 of them. If you don’t edc a fixed blade try it out for a week and see what you think. What are your thoughts on Neck knives / edc fixed blades?

❎Twisted Assisted- Gambler https://www.twistedassisted.co.uk/store/twisted-gambler-fixed-blade/twisted-gambler-fixed-blade-satin/

❎Griffin- Scout 2.5 https://www.dlttrading.com/searchresults.html

❎Uinta Knives- Hunter V2 https://www.uintaknifecompany.com/shop