Must-See New Knives That Will Blow Your Mind

Must-See New Knives That Will Blow Your Mind

Published: 11 months ago

Very Cool New Knives Your Not Going To Want To Miss. We have a brand New Model with a new locking mechanism coming from Vosteed along with a cool new version of a popular model. We also have a new Kizer that I almost missed, along with a new one from Serge Knives and a new set of scales for one of my favorite Civivi Knives. This is only a First Impressions video and once I’ve had enough time with each one and have completed the testing I will do my full review. Which knife would you like a review on first?


00:12 Vosteed- Mini Nightshade (Aluminum)

1:48 Vosteed- Thunderbird Ti/Elmax

2:47 Vosteed- Ankylo