Just Dropped! The Stunning Jack Wolf Knives Benny’s Clip - Review

Just Dropped! The Stunning Jack Wolf Knives Benny’s Clip - Review

Published: 3 months ago

Just Dropped! The Stunning Jack Wolf Knives Benny’s Clip - Review. For some reason I have always thought the Lanny’s Clip point blade was a very aesthetically pleasing design. I love Jack Wolf’s take on the design with the same quality as the other models. In this video we discuss in detail all of the good, bad as well as some real world testing to see how it performs. What are your thoughts on this design and do you own any Jack Wolf Knives?

❎Jack Wolf- Benny’s Clip(DLT)

❎Jack Wolf- Benny’s Clip(BHQ) https://shrsl.com/4odg5

❎Jack Wolf- Benny’s Clip(GPK) https://shrsl.com/4odgd
