500 Subs GAW Instructions and Chat!

Published: 7 years ago

Rules for my 500 Subscribers GAW!!! Comment below on this video and you can win a RAT Model 1 in Aus 8 steel when I hit 500! Guessing that will be in about a week or so.

We also talked about everything from Benchmade's pricing to Blazing Saddles. Always enjoy hanging out with you guys. I need to do more of these. They warm my cold, dead heart.

Winner for comments on this LIVE video was Jason Ingalls! email at sliceydicey75@gmail.com and you'll get a Killimanjaro Allatro delivered to your very door!

Check me out on Instagram @sliceydicey75

If you enjoy these videos and want to see more, please support us on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/sliceydicey Thanks in advance.

email me at sliceydicey75@gmail.com