What I Use To Maintain My Knives (With Kershaw Skyline XL)

Published: 7 years ago

A lot of you have asked about what I use for knife maintenance. Not a lot of HUGE surprises, but I'm guessing that I have a couple of differing opinions. I detail all of the stuff I use and where to get it... While I give a Kershaw Skyline XL a Tune-Up!

Wiha Torx Driver and Bits - https://www.amazon.com/Wiha-75093-System-Slotted-Phillips/dp/B002PJ3IYE/ref=sr_1_cc_7?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1517622700&sr=1-7-catcorr&keywords=wiha+torx

Nano-Oil and Grease - http://nano-oil.com

Knives Plus Strop Block - https://www.knivesplus.com/KP-STROP8-STROPBLOCK.html

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