My Pro-Tech black beauty Malibu is an even more addicting fidget button lock with textured handles

Published: 2 years ago

If you’re lucky enough to find one of these black beauties when they drop, then buy it as soon as you can. Pro-Tech’s Malibu is a button lock with a Tanto shaped CPM-20CV blade steel that is fidgety when deploying with the flipper button that has perfect gimping for both push button and light switch deployments.

You will likely not drop this knife with the aluminum textured handles. This is not too aggressive but perfect for avoiding drops or slips out of your hand. Its deep carry pocket clip will also allow it to be well hidden in your pocket for discrete carry. The recessed screws will not catch on your pockets and the smooth part of the handle behind the clip will not rip up your pockets.

The action is smooth with a great detent on the caged ceramic ball bearings for deployment and drop shut closing. That’s part of the addicting fidget factor.