Rob’s ramblings… safe queens/queen saves and knives you use & keep in your collection.

Published: 2 years ago

So as a young and new collector, I have certain knives that I will likely always keep in my collection because of what they mean to me. One particular knife to me is my father‘s knife that he bought before World War II in the early 1930s in Norway. he bought this when he traveled over to Norway from Denmark as a danish, Boy Scout or whatever they’re called. Also, I have another knife which was the very first knife I ever bought. This is my Gerber E-Z-Out that was made in tghe USA.

Then there are 5 favorite and very carried knives… Vero Engineering Axon, Andrew Demko AD20.5, Spyderco Shaman, Enrique Peña, and Liong Ma GSD2. I tend buy and carry knives that I will use and not feel too warred about not using.

What are some of your knives you will keep and maybe as long as you life? What are your criteria for knives in you collection to have and carry?