Comparison of the QSP Penguins to buttonlocks that may be worth your consideration… Rob’s Ramblings.

Published: 2 years ago

Comparing the 3 QSP Penguins to some buttonlocks per request. I hope this is helpful.

00:00 - intro
00:53 - QSP Penguin Mini
01:51 - QSP Penguin
02:14 - QSP Penguin Plus
02:32 - CJRB Pyrite Buttonlock
02:47 - Kizer Lieb M Buttonlock
03:14 - Kizer Gemini Buttonlock
03:37 - Vosteed Thunderbird
03:57 - Spyderco Smock
04:18 - group by size
05:15 - compare CJRB Pyrite & QSP Penguin
06:42 - compare Kizer Gemini & Kizer Lieb M
09:48 - compare QSP Penguin & QSP Penguin Plus