I think I like when it rains & my We Knives Trogon in bronze anodized titanium scales!
Published: 1 year ago
I bought my We Knives Trogon from White Mountain Knives. You can see all of the Trogons that they may or may not have in stock here: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=Trogon
SAVE 10% on most knives by using code, RNK10, at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com
Help my channel with these affiliate links:
Artisan Cutlery & CJRB: https://shrsl.com/401h1
SAVE 10% on most knives by using code, RNK10, at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com
Help my channel with these affiliate links:
Artisan Cutlery & CJRB: https://shrsl.com/401h1