Andrew Demko’s AD20.5 variants over the years… AUS10A to 3V to S35VN to 20CV to the Shark Cub

Published: 1 year ago

The Andrew Demko AD20.5 evolution from AUS10A to 3V to S35VN to 20CV to 3V Tanto to the Shark Cub… cool.

1. AD20.5 in green FRN scales & AUS10A
2. AD30.5 in carbon fiber & S35VN
3. AD20.5 in linerless Rockscale Design Ti scales/backspacer & hollow grind Tanto 3V blade
4. AD20.5SC in linerless Ti scales & ultra thin 20CV blade steel

I bought Andrew Demko 3V Tanto AD20.5 at DLT Trading:

AD20.5SC in Ti scales and 20CV blade steel:

Get 10% off at Rockscale Designs until December 2023… use coupon code:

Rockscale Designs Ti Scales straight handle Hex Pattern:

Rockscale Designs Ti Gear Backspacer:

I use Skiff caged ceramic ball bearing washers (use RNK10 to get 10% off of washers). A comprehensive list washer compatibility can be found here:

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