PART -1 Super Secret Aquisition + Ganzo G768pt Axis Lock D2/G10 is a Demko AD20.5 Killer? Clip Point

Published: 1 month ago

Unboxing a sweet Ganzo axis lock. This thing is solid and smooth as silk. Great action at a great price, and decent blade steel at that! The D2 Demko AD20.5 is an upgrade... This Ganzo comes stock with it! Similar action, similar feel, similar blade shape! It's not a copy by any means, but it has the feel!

Here's the Amazon link-
Ganzo G768PT-BK EDC Folding Pocket Knife Razor Sharp D2 (Black)

Then we have a really cool new one! Now the rest of the unboxing on that one will be in part two! So stay tuned and have a nice day!