Greg Medford (Medford Knives) sensitively addressing his critics

Published: 2 years ago

It's a killer, it flies under the radar, it's a dark Ninja warrior. A drop-shutty, tough, comfortable, razor sharp king of budgets.

Never heard of the Kizer Z82? You aren't alone. This excellent knife has been largely forgotten in the glut of new, fancy knives from Kizer. It's not a tricky button lock or front flipper, just a liner lock. But what a liner lock.

Full, thick, black coated liners, perfectly aligned and solid feeling. A blade with a very useful drop point/tanto shape, beautiful top swedge and drop-shut action. The G10 scales are amazing, grippy yet cool looking, with chamfered holes that reduce weight and drag!

Pocket clip is a win. Clanky opening sound is a nice bonus. Perfect lockup. Great hardware has stood up to multiple disassemblies. Slicy edge, great blade coating, perfect G10 texture, what more do you want?

I know! New colors and different blade finishes. This knife is called the Hawaiian, on account of the designer, Naluknives, out of Hawaii. It needs a Hawaiian colors version! Do it Kizer, do it!