The Sheep's Bowie Mod. The mod for any/all cleavers, yeah they all need it. Cleavers are stupid!

Published: 2 years ago

Well I can't say ALL cleavers are stupid, because I haven't seen every single cleaver that's been made. And no, I don't mean kitchen cleavers, I know they have a purpose, and I know the weight of all that steel in the top corner is great for chopping through cow legs and pig spines and such. I get it, a cleaver is a useful design... As a huge fixed blade!

What are you chopping with your 3.25in. Sheepdog or Civivi mini Bull Mastiff? Yes nothing, but you could! I know, you have that option at least, right? No, you don't! Stop it! Fix your cleavers or I'll do it for you!