Evil Twins Large & Small Kansept Helix Giveaway Reminder Thin Behind the Edge? Wtf is that even?

Published: 2 years ago

The big boy Helix is a tank, with a 5.25" Handle. The "mini" Helix ain't no runt, with a 4.5" handle. Basically the full size is an XL and the mini is the regular size. Anyway, check these bad boys out. And stay till the end, to watch the after credits. Lest the all seeing eye visit you in your sleep! Oh yeah, and you might just learn a thing or two along the way, like wtf does thin behind the edge mean? All this and much... well, a little more!

And, don't forget to drop a comment on the Knife Giveaway video! It's right over there, with the Halloween theme. No, not that one... Just here, click this https://youtu.be/YdWd66sDW_w

Have a nice day, and a spooky Halloween!