GRAPHIC INJURY WARNING Moving Car+Knife=BAD Cautionary tale by Dylan's mom Home Circumcision Cringe

Published: 2 years ago

Just move on to the next video if a little blood bothers you!

Here's the pertinent thread, you will have to join EDB to view this.

Every Day Blades-

Our first interview here at Prybar Knives! This interesting personal interest piece has all the interests our viewers are interested in. Knives, Fb knife pages, moms who let kids play with knives, and knife injuries!

The story and background are covered in the video, but short and sweet- Guy posts his knife injury, people laugh, a mom (not his) responds! Some might say she threw her own son under the knife bus, to help this wounded stranger, but they are wrong. Her son, Dylan, runs around retelling this horror story to anyone who'll listen! Mostly chicks in bars (my assumption). Making his story, one that belongs to all of us, it's pubic domain!

So lean your seat back and poke that stripped straw right through the plastic lid of your large diet Coke, and enjoy this cautionary tale!

And have a nice day!