First Knife Giveaway of the Year! Ganzo/Firebird F753m Bugout Killer Awesome Axis lock G10 Goodness

Published: 2 years ago

Yeah, it's time for another freebee! This time it's going to be customized the way I like it FIRST! Titanium clip, dyed scales, maybe blackwash/stonewash and whatever else I may think of.

GANZO Firebird F753M1 Pocket Folding Knife G-10 Anti-Slip Handle with Clip 440C Stainless Steel Blade Camping Fishing Outdoor Folder EDC Knife (Orange)

If you have a customization suggestion, post it up! Even if you don't, post SOMETHING! Cause that's how you win this gem. Best comment wins, that's it!

Have a nice day, and good luck!

Ps, I'll have some knives up on ebay soon, if you win one AND let me know your a watcher on YouTube (through ebay messages) I'll throw in something extra! Thanks!