The Mystery of 2 different Sitivien Ti ST999s! & The Mystery of the Worsening Detent Lash W/LeftyEDC

Published: 1 year ago

I know the first version of the this Part One video SUCKED! My cheesy editing suite hates fast forward! So this is the reboot!

LeftyEDC has a great channel, but a few weeks ago I was unfamiliar with the channel, only having heard of it but never watched. Then I grabbed a Sitivien ST999 on sale ($109) after some research. After I received it, Lefty's review popped up, the YouTube algorithm "helping me out" a bit late. But I listened anyway, while driving and was very surprised at his take on what I considered a damn good knife!...

Two Mysteries came to light. Why the vastly divergent opinions? And wtf is all the detent lash about, in his.

So check out his review, here (and use his link to buy, if you so choose)-

Then sit back and be astounded by my Mystery solving abilities!

And have a nice day!