Battle of the Bowies! OK it's an unfair fight QUIET CARRY 9 (knife if the year?) vs AM8 Preyert 2

Published: 1 year ago

I bought this AM8 thinking it would scratch the QC9 itch, for under half the price. This was dumb. After borrowing a 9 from the Iowa Knife Museum, it becomes obvious the 9 is under priced & may be Knife of the Year. While the AM8 is a very nice $150 Knife, and well worth it... But no challenge to the QC.

Edit: it's been brought to my attention that the Preyert is in S90V! Not s35 as I think I said in the video. S90 is a substantial upgrade from s35, so sorry I didn't give AM8 the credit on that great choice.

Have a nice day!