Overview - All Smooth Precision Pens & Urban Survival Gear Pen Models

Published: 9 months ago

An almanac and introductory overview of all SPP and USG models I could find recently despite the business closing down. The video sums these variants up into the following main categories:

1) USG TiScribe Bolt V1
2) USG TiScribe Bolt V2
3) USG TiScibe Go Pen & Mech Pencil
4) SPP V2.2 Pen & Mech Pencil
5) SPP V2.2 Cam Click

I also included some info on the various metals, materials, finishes, milling styles, etc.

- I said "Kenyon", meant to say "Kelvin", sorry!
- First TiScribe Kickstarters were Jan 2017, and I appear to be missing a whole model / version that was offered in fountain as well:


Smooth Precision Pens
Urban Survival Gear