One Minute Knife Video: Top 5 most carried knives of the week (episode 5)
Published: 4 years ago
Here we have the 5 lives that found there way into my pocket the most last week including my Christmas carry! In order top to bottom: The CRKT Seismic deadbolt lock. Nice knife, big; the Protech Whiskers’Magic’. Yeah. It is; the Spyderco One-eyed Jack! My Christmas carry; the Kershaw Launch 11, snappy little auto. Love it; and last, the SOG Ultra XR, this one found its way into my pocket nearly every day. So small and light, why not? Keep in mind I carry 4-5 knives daily and so to get to this list means being carried much more that one day over the week. Thanks for viewing, subscribe and like! Stay tuned for upcoming auction announcements at the beginning of the year.