One Minute Knife Video: My EDC items

Published: 4 years ago

So here’s the items besides my main and secondary knife that I carry (I have mentioned that I carry 4 or 5 knives, right?). See start off with a backup pen of the ‘rite in the rain’ variety as I have a really bad habit of losing pens throughout the day and need a hold out. Next week have Burt’s Bees lip balm. The best. Next week have my Microtech UTx-70. This little guy has been in a couple of my top 5 most carried videos, but I stop including it because it’s there literally every day.....Following we have my RovyVon flashlight. I have a couple of others, but for small size and power, this one wins. Next up my Spyderco Manbug and it’s usually attached to the light. I always have my grandpa’s case with me even though it has a sprung blade, reminds me to be careful
shoving my hands in my pockets! And lastly we have a custom titanium pry bar that while I have the info on it somewhere, no idea where. But it’s pretty nice. Has O2 key, hex bit fitting, etc. thanks for watching