One Minute Knife Video: the EDC coin I carry from my coin collection. 1922 silver Peace dollar.

Published: 4 years ago

There’s been some showing of challenge coins and the like as a part of EDC recently; so I thought I’d share the coin I carry (nearly every day for the past several years). It’s a 1922 silver Peace dollar. I carry it for the reminder of just what the last century was like, how far we have come and overcome, and just how far we have to reminds me of just how happy they were in 1921-2 for the end of WW1; so much so they Commemorated it in our coinage.... find it hard to say we’ve had much better since.
The other reason I like to carry a silver dollar is to be able to "pay the ferry man" so to speak. If you recall the ancients used to believe that you had to pay Charon a silver coin to be taken across the river Styx to the after life, otherwise you were condemned to wonder forever.....

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