One Minute Knife Video: My Blacked Out Blade collection with the best at the end
Published: 4 years ago
Here we have my blacked out blade collection (mostly, I think I missed a few and didn’t include dark/black stone wash) we go: first up are a couple honorable mentions as they’re not really all black and then the last three are, in my opinion, nice. First we have my Microtech UTX-70 with partially blacked out blade, followed by the Ontario Rat2 almost fully blacked out, then the CRKT M16-01ks , then the CRKT THERO- like the sheet of carbon fiber on this one, next is the Spyderco Maniz2 light weight, the Shaman in the blacked out version, and lastly the Protech Operator Strider SnG which is the ultimate in blacked out knives; rather the whole series is, just amazing in having absolutely no markings. That takes guts. Thanks for viewing, like and sub! Voice stuff coming around 200 subs!