Protech Sprint 1K GAW for Instagram, OMKR. Rules in the video and below

Published: 3 years ago

1K Protech GAW Rules: All rules will be found in the description and comments as well. Good Luck everyone!
1) Must be 18 yo and live in continental United States, and must be legal where you live, I don’t know your laws and am not responsible if you break them.
2) You must like this video and subscribe to my channel, and if possible on Instagram leave a comment tagging a friend (but since you probably came from there, it is not required) But the YouTube channel Sub is a requirement.
3) You must subscribe to the channels on the 1K wall video attached to the most recent uploads, in here, and which can be found in the link in the description.
4) Last and Biggest…You must leave a comment describing something nice you have done for someone (or thing, animals count) recently. Big or small doesn’t matter, but sincerity does as you will see below.
That’s it, do those 4 things and you will have a chance to win.
So how will winners be chosen, just random? No way… editor will be picking the top 10 favorite comments fitting the theme and then we will pick randomly after those are announced. She does not know any one on here and so I expect will be fair…. Just a hint, she’s a teenager if that helps anyone to have ideas (we will be checking subs on qualifiers, so be honest). Lastly, this is my stuff, I’M giving away, no complaining or you’ll be disqualified (at my discretion).

Oh, if we go over 100 unique comment/entries I will be increasing the pool to 20 comments and adding a Second Place prize TBD (already have idea, custom titanium prybar appeal to anyone?). 200? Who knows? So, I hope we get a bunch!

Thank you all for participating and good luck!
(rules subject modification if needed for legal or similar reasons)
not affiliated with YouTube or Instagram in any way.