Miguron Preyer Flipper Knife: Beast of a Blade that is a Beauty, Too!
Published: 3 years ago
Well, new knife brand to me, fresh from White Mountain Knives and one of three current models offered. This is certainly the largest (...and heaviest, at almost 8oz!) Smooth as silk and drop shut on multi-row bearings, you may just fall in love with it!
Enjoy, Like, and Subscribe!
Get Yours Here: https://whitemountainknives.com/miguron-knives-preyer-flipper-pocket-knife-titanium-handle-s35vn-blade-steel-limited-edition/
Don't forget to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order at White Mountain Knives!
Other Miguron folders: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=miguron
Enjoy, Like, and Subscribe!
Get Yours Here: https://whitemountainknives.com/miguron-knives-preyer-flipper-pocket-knife-titanium-handle-s35vn-blade-steel-limited-edition/
Don't forget to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order at White Mountain Knives!
Other Miguron folders: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=miguron