Dirk Pinkerton Custom Pikal Fixed Blade (The "Cave Bear")
Published: 3 years ago
A great specialized custom knife from maker, Dirk Pinkerton and loaned to me by Bob (TheKnifeJunkie) Demarco. Many thanks to Bob for this generous loan, along with two others this time around.
Note: I learned, since recording this vid, from the maker, Dirk himself, that this blade is called the "Cave Bear!"
Enjoy, Like & Subscribe! Thanks!
The Knife Junkie on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKnifeJunkie
Dirk Pinkerton Webpage: https://www.pinkertonknives.com/
Note: I learned, since recording this vid, from the maker, Dirk himself, that this blade is called the "Cave Bear!"
Enjoy, Like & Subscribe! Thanks!
The Knife Junkie on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKnifeJunkie
Dirk Pinkerton Webpage: https://www.pinkertonknives.com/