Tactical EDC's: Folding Blades to Rely On! Multi-purpose Knives

Published: 2 years ago

The best knife is the one you have with you, so I'm told. A "tactical knife" is one suited to the use of law enforcement, military or civilians who need a blade that protects and can be hard use if necessary.

Well, these 7 folders in all sizes can get you through the workday and potential stressful times!

Check 'em out!

Enjoy, Like & Subscribe! Thanks!

When Shopping at White Mountain Knives, don't forget to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order!

SOG Seal XR: https://whitemountainknives.com/sog-seal-xr-flipper-knife-black-grn-handle-plain-black-s35vn-blade-12-21-01-57/

Bestech Shodan: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=shodan

TAC EDC: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=tac+edc

Hogue K320: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=k320

Willumsen Chibs: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=willumsen+chibs

Bestech Operator: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=bestech+operator

Bastinellin Shadow Flipper: https://whitemountainknives.com/bastinelli-creations-shadow-fx-533-cf-folding-knife-black-carbon-fiber-ss-handle-elmax-plain-edge-bas216/