2022 Favorite 5 Production Folding Knives!

Published: 2 years ago

It's that time again! Picking my favorite knives of the year, and this first round is focused on production folders from all manufacturers. But if your favorite isn't here (and I have to eliminate MANY in an effort limit time) let me know which ones you like the best!

Enjoy, Like & Subscribe! Thanks!

Don't forget! Use my discount code, "OldSword" at White Mountain Knives for 10% off your order!

Rike Lamella: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=lamella

Kizer Begleiter XL: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=begleiter+XL

Bastinelli Big Dragotac: https://www.bastinelliknives.com/online-store/Big-Dragotac-Dark-Stone-Washed-p449713263

Microtech Socom Bravo: https://microtechgear.com/products/socom-bravo%E2%84%A2-clip-point-1

B'Yond EDC Nighthorse: https://www.smkw.com/search/?q=nighthorse