BIG "Mini" Cleaver Flipper: Kansept Korvid M+ Design by Koch Tools

Published: 1 year ago

It's a chopper, a cleaver, a conversation piece, BUT Sharp & Slicey! According to Kansept, a larger version of their "M" series Korvid, of which there are many iterartions. The only one larger than this Korvid is the XL. A design paradigm from Koch Tools for Kansept. Would you find a place for this one in your folder collection? Let me know!


Korvid M+ at Kansept Knives:

Korvid M Series at Knifecenter:

Korvid M Servies at Amazzon:

Korvid Knife Models at White Mountian Knives:

NOTE: When Shopping at White Mountain Knives, be sure to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order!