Viper Keeper 2! Elegant Tactical "James Bond" Flipper Knife with Smart Lock System

Published: 1 year ago

Well, this clip point dagger flipper from Viper Knives is sleek and elegant, in handle, blade, and trade mark very uniqe "Smart A.S.L.S." locking system, wherein the liner lock is double locked with a very interesting and easily disengaged secondary lock. Designed by Master Fabrizio Silvestrelli and rich in details, second only to custom made blades! Check it out!


Don't Forget! When shopping at White Mountain Knives, be sure to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order!

All Models of the Viper Keeper 2 at WMK:

More about the Keeper 2 at Viper Knives Website: