DC Blade Sting - Dropping This Week! - Wicked Framelock Trailing Point!

Published: 4 days ago

Dropping Soon! Go to "DCBlades.net"

Well, yes, you can EDC it (and should!), but this little hornet of a folder is all tactical as I see it! Titanium and M390 meets the design minds at DC Blades, Justin & Chris! You won't need to wait too much longer to get your very own out of the anticipated limited first run. Stay in touch with DCBlades.net so you will know when it drops!
DC Blades Projects (scroll down to see the Sting): https://www.dcblades.net/projects
Email: dcblades.info@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tier1edc/ https://www.instagram.com/old_squirrel_knives/