KB Knives Stroller Framelock: Another New Kubey with Amazing Detail and Manufacture!

Published: 3 weeks ago

Designed by "Utilizator," a new name to me, this Stroller from KB Knives, a subsidiary of Kubey is rich in detail and precision! This version, with Santa Watermelon Sugar CF scales is terrific eye candy! Check it out!


KB Knives Stroller at White Mountain Knives (all versions): https://whitemountainknives.com/ssearch/?search_query=kb+stroller&fallbackQuery=kb+stroller

NOTE: Use my discount code for 10% off your order at White Mountain: "OG-Blade" OR "OldSword"

Stroller at KB Knives: https://kbknives.com/search?type=product&q=stroller