Kansept Deadite: NEW Mid-Sized Framelock Designed by Tuffknives! One Minor Issue...
Published: 1 month ago
This is a favorite in the knives from Kansept recently. This particular flavor has a lot of class and give the impression of an upswepty Bowie style blade of just over three and a half inches. Beautiful Lava Flow Fat Carbon and bronzed bolsters finish it off nicely. I do have one qualm, so check this out to hear what I think....
Kansept Deadite (6 modesl) at Kansept Knives website: https://www.kanseptknives.com/collections/deadite-k1081
Kansept Deadite Models (6) at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com/ssearch/?search_query=deadite
When Shopping at White Mountain, be sure to use my discount code, "OG-Blade" for 10% off your order!
Kansept Deadite (6 modesl) at Kansept Knives website: https://www.kanseptknives.com/collections/deadite-k1081
Kansept Deadite Models (6) at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com/ssearch/?search_query=deadite
When Shopping at White Mountain, be sure to use my discount code, "OG-Blade" for 10% off your order!