Tenable Fenrir: Budget Version of the Original - Now a Button Lock!

Published: 1 month ago

A very popular design by Greg Schob of Sparrow Knife Co., this Fenrir, named after the mythical wolf from Norse culture comes in under seventy bucks and there are other models even lower in price (check links below). Definitely a fidgety folding knife and eleven models to choose from!


Tenable Fenrir at Tenable Knives Website: https://www.tenableknives.com/search?options%5Bprefix%5D=last&q=fenrir&filter.p.product_type=

Tenable Fenrir at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com/ssearch/?search_query=tenable+fenrir

NOTE: When shopping at White Mountain don't forget to use my discount code, "OG-Blade" or "OldSword" for 10% off your order!