Regiment Blades! Simple and Effective Tactical Knives - Purpose Driven!
Published: 2 months ago
Yes, I enjoyed learning more about Al Salvitti and Regiment Blades on The Knife Junkie's podcast some weeks back (check link below). So I obtained a few (my own purchase) to learn more and see how they fit my needs and use style. Very impressed with the Auto Lock, as well as the non-metallic Low Viz fixed blade and trainer. If you have a need to carry for self-protection, or you are Law Enforcement or military, definitely check them out!
Regiment Blades Website:
KnifeJunkie Podcast Interview with Al Salvitti of Regiment Blades:
Al Salvitti on Instagram: al_regimentblades
Regiment Blades Website:
KnifeJunkie Podcast Interview with Al Salvitti of Regiment Blades:
Al Salvitti on Instagram: al_regimentblades