NEW Folding Knife Design! Kubey Rogue Pikal Karambit by Muzi Designs!
Published: 3 months ago
Not too many makers want to dive into the murky waters of on the fringe blade designs, so we must compliment Kubey, as well as Civivi for past and present designs of Karambit and Pikal style folders.
Kubey just dropped this nasty little ripper and see the info below on where you can pick one up! Build and lock up are extremely good on this one, AND somewhat reminiscent of the Shieldon Scythe by DC Blades.....
Kubey just dropped this nasty little ripper and see the info below on where you can pick one up! Build and lock up are extremely good on this one, AND somewhat reminiscent of the Shieldon Scythe by DC Blades.....