Kansept Bulldozer Front Flipper! New Models - High End to Budget!

Published: 4 months ago

Designed by well known knife designer, Kim Ning almost three years ago, this Bulldozer model has seen recent enhancements to offer a number of high-end titanium/20CV models as well as additional budget models in D2. High grind and very slicey, no matter what you prefer. Check them out at the links below!


Kansept Bulldozer at Kansept Knives (all models): https://www.kanseptknives.com/search?q=bulldozer

Kansept Bulldozer at White Mountain Knives (all models): https://whitemountainknives.com/ssearch/?search_query=bulldozer

Don't Forget! Use either of my discount codes at WMK for 10% off your order: "OG-Blade" OR "OldSword"